Make a Donation

Help us Restore the 4!


“Opportunity only knocks once” is a time tested saying. In the case of BC&G 4, the stars have aligned to create a not-to-be-repeated opportunity. She’s made her way to Cass: Where steam is very much alive; where the tools and facilities remain; and where the generational knowledge to maintain and successfully operate 100-year old steam locomotives remains to this day. With the new Greenbrier Division coming online this year and a family of geared siblings, BC&G 4 will fill an obvious need holding down the 30-mile round trip to Durbin. She will step out with a set of 1916-era vintage coaches on her drawbar or be the featured power for the growing fleet of restored vintage freight cars. The future for BC&G 4 is now and this opportunity is not likely to be repeated.

John W Smith


Your donation can be mailed to:
Durbin & Greenbrier Valley
P.O. Box 44

Durbin, WV   26264

Please include a note specifying that your donation is for Buffalo Creek & Gauley 4.

Please note that donations are not tax deductible. 100% of donated funds will go towards boiler manufacturing. 

We would like to give a special thanks to our donors:

John Overman

Andrew Jordan

James Kidd

Walter Zimmerman

Robert Koch

Jonathan Curry

Robert Koch

John Smith

Jared Bryson

Joel Endrizzi

Richard B West

Jordan Smith

Parker Magnuson

Chase Boni

Andrew Foster

Ronald Doty

Kenneth Filkins

Nevin Bolick

Alec Steorts

Kathleen Baker

Sandra Welch

Mike Harazim

David L Seitzer

Brett Golder

Kenneth Filkins

Doug Hanna

Francis Borek

Paul Denton

Eric Schmincke

Matt Crouch

Gray Lackey

Jonathan Curry

Martin Moorefield

James Lipnitz

Matt Paxton

Jacob Harper

Steven Jensen

Isak Motter

Garret McCabe

David Collins

Ronald Flanary

John Overman

Patrick Yough

Alex Whittington

Charles High

Fred Pajak

Keith Allen

Daniel Innis

John LeRoy

Steven Kalka

William Young


J Harry Feldman

Thomas Rodd

Steven Smithbauer

Brandon Grant

Charlene Benjamin

Anne Holdorf

Richard Boone

Lee Herbert